
AkumamadehisdebutinSuperStreetFighterIITurboasasecretcharacterandanalternativebosstothevillainM.Bison.InthestorylineoftheStreet ...,AkumaUltraStreetFighter2moveslist,strategyguide,combosandcharacteroverview.Overview.SpecialMoves.AirFireball(ZankuuHadouken).,Personality.Akumaisacoldandextremelypowerfulwarriorwhosesolereasonforexistingistohonehisfightingskillsbybattlinganddestroyingstrongfoes .....

Akuma (Street Fighter)

Akuma made his debut in Super Street Fighter II Turbo as a secret character and an alternative boss to the villain M. Bison. In the storyline of the Street ...

Akuma Ultra Street Fighter 2 moves list, strategy guide ...

Akuma Ultra Street Fighter 2 moves list, strategy guide, combos and character overview. Overview. Special Moves. Air Fireball (Zankuu Hadouken).

Akuma | Street Fighter Wiki

Personality. Akuma is a cold and extremely powerful warrior whose sole reason for existing is to hone his fighting skills by battling and destroying strong foes ...

How to use Akuma in Street Fighter 2

2022年8月1日 — In order to face him, you have to either obtain a high score, reach the last stage quick or defeat many human opponents without losing a single ...

Street Fighter Alpha 2Akuma

2023年10月25日 — Akuma rolls forward towards the opponent, with each punch strength determining the distance of it (lp for shortest, hp for farthest). This move ...

Street Fighter IIAkuma

2023年6月26日 — Akuma has small mastery over the ability to employ his ki to move his body through space. While doing so, Akuma is invulnerable to attack. Akuma ...

Super Street Fighter 2 TurboAkuma

2022年10月18日 — Akuma, or Gouki, in Japan, is a secret boss which has been introduced in Super Street Fighter II Turbo/X. In order to face him, you have to ...

Super Street Fighter II Turbo

Akuma can be unlocked once the player has accumulated 5,000 VS Points, and Shin Akuma is unlocked at 9,999 VS Points. Akuma can use the Shun Goku Satsu as a ...